Seed Cycling is a practice of consuming specific seeds during certain parts of your menstrual cycle. Many women who practice this have found amazing results in regulating their cycles and getting rid of symptoms of hormone imbalance like cramps, PMS, and breast tenderness. This may seem a little woo woo but there actually is science to back it up. I assume it came from some sort of ancestral practices from around the world but honestly, I can’t find any information on the origin of see cycling. If anyone reading this knows please let me know in the comments below!
So, what is seed cycling exactly?
Basically, you cycle through two sets of seeds during the first half and second half of your cycle. During days 1-13 (for a perfect 28-day cycle) you consume 1tbs each of freshly ground flax seeds and pumpkin seeds, then during days 14-28 you consume 1 tbs each of freshly ground sesame and sunflower seeds. If you have a cycle that is within “normal” range (21-36 days) go ahead and change the seed days to fit your cycle, meaning take the flax and pumpkin seeds up until ovulation and then the sesame and sunflower from ovulation until your period. However, if your cycle is outside of this range or you don’t have a cycle follow the 28-day pattern to help regulate your cycle back to what is considered optimal (21-36 days).
*It is important that the seeds you use are freshly ground as this means that the nutrients inside are most abundant and absorbable. I like to use my high-speed blender to “grind” the seeds or you can get a coffee grinder to use for seeds only.
What is the science behind the woo?
Flax seeds are well known to have phytoestrogens which help boost our natural estrogen production during the follicular phase. These phytoestrogens as well as the omega 3’s and 6’s in both the flax and pumpkin seeds help the liver to excrete any excess estrogens and the used estrogens from the body. The sunflower and sesame seeds work by supplying vital nutrients for the body’s hormone creation. Both seeds contain hefty doses of vitamin E and zinc which help stimulate progesterone production.

How to incorporate seed cycling into your daily life-
There are lots of ways you can include these seeds in your daily meals some of my favorites are in smoothies, pureed soups, chia pudding, sprinkled on apple sauce, or in fat balls. Check out my fat ball recipe inspired by Lee Tillman of Lee from America below.
Seed Cycling Fat Balls:

Days 1-13: Raspberry Vanilla
- ½ cup ground flax seeds
- ½ cup ground pumpkin seeds
- 1 cup nuts of choice (I like a combination of sprouted almonds and soaked cashews)
- ½ cup coconut milk (or other non-dairy milk)
- ½ cup coconut butter
- ¾ cup coconut oil
- 1 cup freeze dried raspberries
- 1 tsp. Vanilla powder
- 0-4 dates depending on how sweet you like things
Days 14-28: Dark Chocolate Almond
- ½ cup ground Sesame seeds
- ½ cup ground sunflower seeds
- 1 cup nuts of choice (I like a combination of sprouted almonds and soaked pecans)
- ½ cup coconut milk (or other non-dairy milk)
- ½ cup almond butter
- ¾ cup melted ghee
- 2 tbs. Cacao powder
- 0-4 dates depending on how sweet you like things
*Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend until it comes together almost like a dough. The mixture should be oily and wet. Scoop it out with a spoon and roll into balls. Place the balls on a parchment lined baking sheet and place in the freezer. Once the balls have hardened you can move them into a silicone bag or glass container to store in the freezer or fridge.
*Feel free to play with the recipes you can add adaptogenic mushrooms like reishi or chaga, different flavors or freeze-dried fruits, or add in extracts like almond or lemon! If you try something new let me know what you love in the comments below 🙂