cycle Fertility Health

Cycles gone wrong part II: How to tell if something is throwing off your follicular phase, ovulation, or your luteal phase.

In the last post we talked about what could go wrong during your period. This post we’ll look at the follicular/ovulation, and luteal phases of your cycle. During the follicular phase a few things should be happening. First, your estrogen is rising along with your FSH. These hormones stimulate the ovaries to work on those …

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cycle Fertility Health

Household Toxins and Fertility: What chemicals to lookout for, how they cause fertility issues, and how to find safer products.

We are exposed to environmental toxins daily. Toxins are in our drinking water, food, air, and our homes. Some of these things are realistically not in our control like what we encounter at our workplace or in the air when we go out for a run but others are becoming more easily avoided. One thing …

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