If you’ve ever gone to Dr. Google looking for answers to your fertility questions, you might have come across a variety of fertility detoxes or cleanses. Some of these programs are benign and others may be helpful but there are also some that are downright dangerous. Not to mention, each detox and cleanse is different and what works for one woman may not work for another.
The body’s detox system
It’s likely your body is in need of something to support your detox system. Modern day life is full of stressors that can take a toll on your body. An overwhelmed detox system can lead to:
- Hormonal imbalances
- Inflammation
- An unfriendly environment for embryos in the uterus
- Delayed ovulation
- Not ovulating at all
- Inflammation in the body (can lead to damaged egg quality and an inflamed uterus which can prevent implantation)
Some nutrition experts and doctors believe that because our bodies have their own detox system (the liver), it isn’t necessary to do a detox program. While yes, our liver does help with the detoxification of our bodies, there’s more to the story. The major components to our detoxification system include the liver, the lymphatic system, the skin, the lungs, the kidneys and the digestive tract. Each component needs to function properly for our bodies to detox properly.
The detox process starts in the liver where toxins get processed to be shipped out of the body. From there, they’re sent out through the remaining pathways of the detox system. When everything is functioning as it should, toxins are packaged up and shipped out on the regular and we feel great. If the system isn’t working as it’s supposed to, you might notice some symptoms and consequences.

Supporting your detox system
Common signs you should consider supporting your detox system are:
- You have the MTHFR gene mutation or COMT gene mutation
- You have high homocysteine levels
- Painful periods
- Heavy bleeding
- Long periods
- Acne
- Bloating
- Weight gain
- Sensitivity to chemicals (fragrances, cigarette smoke, cleaners lead to headaches or nausea
- Frequent headaches or migraines
- Low alcohol tolerance (easily intoxicated by wine and easily hung over)
- Fatigue
- Brain fog
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s time to investigate what’s gone wrong in your detoxification system.
Start by checking to make sure your detox pathways are open so that once toxins have been processed in the liver, they can actually exit the body. Here are a few things to ask yourself:
- Are you actually sweating if you’re exercising or if it’s hot? A lack of sweat is a sign that your detox pathways might be clogged.
- Are you making time to get in daily movement? Unlike the blood circulation system, the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump like the heart. Our bodies rely on movement and exercise to pump our lymphatic system.
- Are you taking deep breaths or shallow breaths? Do you ever have pain between the shoulders or under your right rib? Does your poop float? Is your poop a light clay color? These are all signs that your gallbladder is struggling.
- Are you pooping at least once a day? Constipation can lead to some serious toxic backup.
If you know for sure that all of these are in proper working order, it’s time to see if your liver needs support. Check the symptoms list above. If you have a few of those symptoms, it’s a good idea to start supporting your liver with the right nutrients.

Detoxing Safely
First and foremost, take caution with any detox teas or juice cleanses–especially if you’re currently trying to conceive. Some of the ingredients used for these are not recommended for pregnancy. If a juice cleanse is something you feel is necessary, I advise doing it at least 4 months prior to trying to conceive because it can take a toll on your hormones which can negatively affect egg quality.
If you want to really support your detox system, see below for a list of things to try based on whether you’re trying to conceive or planning to try in the future.
If you are not trying to get pregnant now but plan to soon, these are safe approaches to detoxing you can discuss with your doctor or other qualified practitioner:
- 30-minute sauna sessions twice a week
- Supplementing with glutathione (DO NOT DO THIS WITHOUT TESTING)
- Castor oil packs 2-3 times a week
- Getting at least 30 minutes of movement every day
- Dry brushing
- Daily 3-minute cold showers
- Drink lemon and chlorophyll water every morning
- Drink dandelion root tea and nettle leaf tea
- Eat beets and bitter greens like dandelion greens
- Eat cruciferous veggies like broccoli
- Eat Organic as much as possible
- Avoid excessive alcohol
- Avoid environmental toxins (cleaners, plastics, fragrances, beauty products, nonstick pans)
How to support your detox system if you are currently trying to conceive:
- 30-minute sauna sessions twice a week (prior to ovulation)
- Supplementing with N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)
- Castor oil packs 2-3 times a week (prior to ovulation)
- Getting at least 30 minutes of movement every day
- Dry brushing
- Daily 3 min cold showers
- Drink lemon and chlorophyll water every morning
- Drink dandelion root tea and nettle leaf tea
- Eat beets and bitter greens like dandelion greens
- Eat cruciferous veggies like broccoli
- Eat Organic as much as possible
- Avoid excessive alcohol
- Avoid environmental toxins (cleaners, plastics, fragrances, beauty products, nonstick pans)
It’s important to remember that gentle detoxing in order to support the detox system is more helpful to your fertility than intense and potentially dangerous detox programs and cleanses. Proceed with caution when considering any sort of detox or cleanse program. As always, make sure to discuss any program or supplement with your doctor or other qualified practitioner before starting.