Did you know that some couples struggle to get pregnant merely because they aren’t having sex at the right time?
Did you know that most period tracker apps are just guessing at when your fertile window is?
Did you know that ovulation predictor kits only tell you that your body is trying to ovulate and not if you have actually ovulated?
Figuring out when to have sex while trying to conceive shouldn’t be confusing or exhausting. That’s why I created an e-book showing you exactly how to track the symptoms your body is giving you during your cycle to plan when to have sex and know when to test for pregnancy.

In this e-book you’ll learn:
What the different phases of your cycle are
What symptoms you should look for in each phase of your cycle
How to properly use opks for determining your fertile window.
How to identify the different types of cervical mucus
How to identify when you are in your fertile window
How to identify if you have ovulated
How to properly track your basal body temperature
When is the best time to have sex for conception
What symptoms might mean your cycle is off
Want to learn all this plus have exclusive access to an amazing private Facebook community where you will be able to share your journey to conception, ask any questions you have on trying to conceive, and have access to an expert in fertility?